Design Patterns / Week 10

User Operations (II)User Operations (II)

Performing some operations needs lot of consistent inputs from end-user. For example, font formatting requires end-user to input the name of the font, its style, size, and color etc. Some inputs are related to others, thus they are enabled/disabled depending on other values. Behind the scene, we have a collection of objects that need to work together, in a well-defined way. Mediator pattern allows us to implement the collaboration between different objects using centralized control, all participants communicating only with the mediator.

Last but not least, the well-known Observer pattern allows several objects (observers) ‘listen’ and ‘change’ a common entity (subject). For example, different views of one document need to correctly display the underlying content, and react accordingly on any change of the content.

This week concludes our journey alongside LEXI. New applications are coming on our way starting next week.

Click here for detailed lecture notes.

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